About Us

Customer Service

"Old School Customer Service" is her middle name.  (Weird.  I know.)

She'll take your call, handle your paperwork and make sure everything is getting done on schedule - and she'll do it all with a smile.  You simply won't find anyone more friendly or conscientious.

Repair Tech.

A lifetime spent in the window covering industry means Dave can do exactly one thing well.

Luckily, we have him chained to his workbench where he can continue to develop his "passion" for fixing blinds.  

He is a little embarrassed - and a little bit proud to say that he has been doing this sort of thing for well over 30 years.

Repair Tech.

Instead of binging his way through another series on Netflix, Marvin decided to end his retirement and come set a new world record here at ShadewoRx.  

While the Guinness people have yet to certify it, we are QUITE SURE that Marvin holds the world record for most shades repaired by any individual.

We line 'em up and he repairs them.   Like clockwork.

Wanna know another fact that has not been certified?

​Marvin has used more than a half million miles of cord since we started keeping track.  That is enough to go to the moon and back!

He is so fast that he has decided to only work 2 days per week so not to make other retirees look lazy.

Customer Service

Erin is the Master of our Disaster!

She has been instrumental in organizing the throughput of the shop as we continue to grow and refine our workflow.

Besides being an exceptional organizer, she is quite the favorite of the customers. 
Most of our recent 5 star reviews mention her specifically. (Suspicious?  Yes.)

We thought we were pretty strong in the "customer service" area before she came along.        Turns out we were only so-so.

She has really elevated our game. 😁

Repair Tech.

Jason has been with us for over 3 years now and it is safe to say that he is a workaholic. 

We are feeling guilty about it but we have made a conscious decision against doing an intervention. 

We will cope with our decision as best we can while we continue to take advantage of him at every turn.

One day he will read this and quit.

Until then, come check him out. 

He is amazing! 

Humanoid Robot Shade Repair Tech.

Don't let her good looks fool you!     She has yet to repair a broken shade.  

Over 3 billion dollars (with a "B") spent in development and she still isn't able to thread a piece of string through a miniblind slat without totally destroying the blind.

She likes to go on and on and onnnnnnnnnnnnn about how she wasn't trained to do this kind of work until we finally have to just unplug her and put her back in her storage box.

We thought we had our ticket to retirement but now we're 3 billion (with a "B") further behind.

Shade Repair Tech.

Maurice wandered over from the apartments next-door to wait for his Uber in our parking lot.

When his Uber never showed up, he was just sitting out there looking rather sad so we gave him a candy-bar.

The rest is history!

Shade Repair Tech.

Koop apparently hangs out with Maurice most days so they both usually show up at the same time.  Maurice trained Koop on miniblinds and now they have become inseparable!